Bakemonogatari Light Novel Book Cover

I can’t say for sure if it’s only for Bakemonogatari light novel or if it’s the same as the rest in the Monogatari series. But I notice that Bakemonogatari light novel barely has any illustration in it.

The only illustrations that you’ll see are at the beginning of the character story. And that’s just about it.

The rest of them are just texts and nothing else.

To be honest, I always thought that I will need to have a few illustrations in between too considering that many light novels seem to have that.

And strangely enough, I still have this belief to this day. It worries me a little that people won’t like reading my book because of that.

But after reading the Bakemonogatari light novel, I’m glad that my book isn’t the only book that doesn’t have any illustrations in the book at all.

Just to let you know that I’m an author in addition to being a book blogger.

Curious about the kind of books that I write? You can take a look at my book list right here.

What Bakemonogatari light novel is all about

Here’s the book description that I got from Bookwalker.

There’s a girl at their school who is always ill. She routinely arrives late, leaves early, or doesn’t show up at all, and skips gym as a matter of course. She’s pretty, and the boys take to whispering that she’s a cloistered princess. As the self-described worst loser in her class soon finds out, they just don’t know what a monster she is. So begins a tale of mysterious maladies that are supernatural in origin yet deeply revealing of the human psyche, a set of case files as given to unexpected feeling as it is to irreverent humor. So begins the legendary novel that kicked off the MONOGATARI series, whose anime adaptations have enjoyed international popularity and critical acclaim. This first of three parts introduces Senjogahara and Hachikuji, and fans of the blockbuster prequel KIZUMONOGATARI will be delighted to meet their favorite crazies again: the weirdly reliable narrator Araragi, class president among class presidents Hanekawa, shady problem-solver Oshino, and a certain pale, blonde former vampire.

What got me to read the light novel

Well, I heard a lot of good things about the light novel way before the English version of the light novel came out.

Since so many people say nice things about the light novel, it got me curious how good the light novel is.

Another reason that got me to read this light novel is that I already watched the anime a long time ago. So, I was thinking of getting the light novel as a way for me to indulge in the story once again.

Rather than re-watching the anime, I thought that I should take a look at the source material instead.

I always say that it’s a lot easier to pass the judgment on the story if we judge it based on the source material, not the anime adaptation.

So, I’m practicing what I’m preaching here.

What makes Bakemonogatari light novel worth reading

There’s a saying that says the devil is in the detail. And the saying somehow describes this light novel perfectly.

While the anime does give us a glimpse of what kind of person Senjogahara is through Araragi’s conversation with Hanekawa, I find that some parts of the details about Senjogahara in the light novel are being left out for the anime version.

This is where the light novel shines. It gives us more detail about Senjogahara that doesn’t get mentioned in the anime version. One of them is about her having a top-notch grade among everyone in the same year as her and not having any friends at all.

Don’t get me wrong. The anime still flashes out the critical information about Senjogahara. For one, when Hanekawa told Araragi that Senjogahara wasn’t like this at all when she was in middle school. That is still the same in the light novel and also the anime version.

But the fact that Senjogahara having top-notch among the students in the same year is something I don’t recall being mentioned in the anime.

Maybe it did get mentioned in the anime but I just didn’t remember at all.

Well, the anime begins with Senjogahara falling from the sky. And Araragi is fortunate enough to catch her while he’s walking down the stairs.

So, the detail about Senjogahara being smart may not be necessary anymore when the story opens in such an iconic way.

What I didn’t expect when I read the light novel

Here’s the thing about the dialogues in this light novel: the conversations among the characters aren’t that straightforward. It feels like each character is beating around the bushes first before they get to the point of what they have to say.

This is what NISIOISIN refers to the characters are having a stupid conversation.

Okay, I won’t go as far as saying that these characters are having a stupid conversation per se. It’s more like they’re having a not-so-normal conversation with one another since that’s not how people will normally speak.

Well, at least that’s not how I would normally speak to people.

Despite their not-so-normal conversation, I kind of enjoy reading them all especially the banter between Senjogahara and Araragi.

Yes, I admit that I’m a Senjougahara fangirl. But I find that the banter between Senjogahara and Araragi tends to be interesting the most.

Is it because Senjogahara always tries to pull Araragi’s leg whenever possible?

Well, that can be part of the reason. Even Araragi said it himself that Senjogahara is so good with words, in fact way too good with them.

Of course, the not-so-normal conversation isn’t just unique to Senjogahara’s and Araragi’s interaction with one another. It’s also the same with everyone else.

It’s just that I enjoy the interaction between Senjogahara and Araragi the most, even if most of their conversations tend to be Senjogahara is making fun of Araragi most of the time.

Who should read this light novel

If you already watched the anime before, then there’s no doubt that you should give the light novel version a try.

You may come across some of the details that never made it for the anime adaptation. And you may be able to understand the context even better since the light novel goes into detail explaining things, especially from Araragi’s perspective.

So, what if you’re new to the Monogatari series and you never watched the anime before? Should you give the light novel a try?

I will say yes if you’re into the supernatural-theme story, particularly based on Japanese folklore.

Just be aware that the conversations and the explanations in the light novel aren’t that straightforward. And it can be witty sometimes too.

This is what makes the Monogatari series unique in the first place. The dialogues aren’t like what you see in any other light novels.

Where to buy Bakemonogatari light novel

As always, you can buy Bakemonogatari light novel in digital or in print on Amazon. That’s where I got mine.

If you’d like to buy the light novel in whichever format you prefer, you can get it on Amazon right here:

Buy Bakemonogatari light novel on Amazon

Can’t buy the digital version of the light novel on Amazon? You can also buy the light novel at Bookwalker too.

Buy Bakemonogatari light novel on Bookwalker

Prefer to buy the light novel in print instead? Then you can buy the light novel at Wordery. I highly recommend people to buy any print books on Wordery since they offer free shipping worldwide.

If you’d like to get your hands on the light novel, you can buy the print version of the light novel right here:

Buy Bakemonogatari light novel on Wordery

Want to read the light novel in Japanese? You can buy the Japanese version of the light novel in print at CDJapan.

Buy Bakemonogatari light novel on CDJapan

Over to you

What do you think about the Bakemonogatari light novel? Are you interested in giving the light novel a try after reading about it on my blog? Let me know in the comment below.

P.S While my Trigger Locked series doesn’t have a witty dialogue like the one in the Monogatari series, it can be a fun read if you enjoy a story like the one in PSYCHO-PASS and Ghost in the Shell.

If that’s the kind of book that you enjoy reading in addition to a story like Bakemonogatari, you can take a look at the first book from the Trigger Locked series right here on Payhip.

Buy Trigger Locked Book 1: The Mind Control Assassins on Payhip

Don’t forget to use the coupon code SEKINAMAYUBLOG during checkout to receive 25% off on your total order.

The book is available for sale on other retailers as well. You can take a look at the list of retailers that sells my book right here:

List of retailers that sells my book online

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