Isn’t it strange that I didn’t talk about my reading challenge for this year on my blog despite always talk about books on my blog most of the time?
To be honest, I totally forgotten about the reading challenge since I only began talking about books on my blog a few months ago. So, the idea of talking about the reading challenge never crossed my mind until recently.
Just to let you know that it’s not my first time taking part in the reading challenge. It’s just that it’s my first time talking about it publicly.
Since my blog is more or less a book blog, I decided to share with you for the first time my reading challenge for the year 2020.
Wait, what’s a reading challenge?
A reading challenge simply means a challenge where you state how many books you plan to read for this year.
If you use Goodreads to keep track of the books you’re reading, I’m sure that you’ll see the reading challenge on your dashboard as well.
Don’t use Goodreads? Well, you can also use the Kindle app to take part in the reading challenge.
Of course, the Kindle app will only track the books that you read on the Kindle app whereas you can use Goodreads to keep track of all the books you read in any format.
What’s more, you can also use Goodreads to keep track of books you read in another language too.
I already set the number of books that I plan to read for this year on my Kindle app and also on Goodreads.
But since the Kindle app will only track the books that I read on my Kindle app, I will say that Goodreads will have a better picture of all the books I read for this year.
After all, I don’t just read ebooks. I also read books in print and also books in another language too. So, it’s fair to say that Goodreads will do a much better job when it comes to keeping track of all the books that I’ll be reading for this year.
How many books do I plan to read for this year?
For this year, I’m planning to read 20 books. Since I tend to read all kinds of books, you can expect to see tons of manga, light novels and nonfiction books on my reading list.
Why 20 books, you ask?
Well, I manage to finish more than 15 books last year even though I only set 15 books in my last year’s reading challenge.
So, I figure that setting 20 books for this year isn’t that much different from the last year.
Will I be able to complete my reading challenge for this year?
To be honest, I don’t know. I managed to meet last year’s reading challenge simply because most of the books that I read were short. And on top of that, some of them happen to be books that I read since the previous year before.
Goodreads doesn’t care when you start reading the books for the most part. The only thing that matters the most in this challenge is when you finished reading the books.
And since I managed to finish reading the books that I read in the previous year, that will count towards the number of completed books for the challenge too.
Rereading a book counts as well. If you prefer to reread the books, you can also include the books in your reading challenge as well.
For the most part, I didn’t have the chance to reread the books that I bought. I have so many new books piling up on my physical bookshelves, Kindle app and also on my Bookwalker app.
But I did reread Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life again, though. I need it as a dose of inspiration for the third book from the Trigger Locked series.
That also counts towards the number of books I completed even though I’ve read the book before.
For those who are a voracious reader, 20 books aren’t that many. But for me, it’s still a lot of books.
It’s a miracle that I managed to complete the challenge for last year.
What about you?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a voracious reader or not. But if you want to make reading as a habit for the year 2020, then taking part in the reading challenge is the best way to go.
Not only the challenge will help you to build a reading habit. But you will also feel great too when you see the number of books that you manage to read throughout the year.
Well, that’s what I feel when I take a look at the list of books that I completed in 2019.
When it comes to taking part in a challenge like this, you can use any book-related website to keep track of the books you’re reading.
For me, I prefer to use Goodreads to keep track of all the books that I’ve read. If you’re also on Goodreads and you’re just curious about my reading progress for this year, you can take a look at my Goodreads page right here.
You can also use my Goodreads page as a sneak peek on the upcoming books that I will recommend on this blog too.
Of course, the reading list isn’t final. But hey, at least you’ll know what to expect for months down the road.
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