Spring 2016 Anime Must-Watch

I always assume that my Spring 2016 Must-Watch anime list is going to be extensive. But after a couple of weeks since spring anime started, it doesn’t look as extensive as I thought even with so many new anime to watch.

One of the reasons is because anime like Ace of Diamond, Fairy Tail, and World Trigger ended last season, with World Trigger ended unexpectedly. With these long on-going anime ended last season, my anime list for this season becomes a lot shorter.

Just like any other fan, I’m somewhat sad that anime like Fairy Tail and World Trigger ended. I already expect that Ace of Diamond will end sooner or later, so I don’t feel that sad. But for Fairy Tail and World Trigger, that’s a bit unexpected on my side.

But then again, this will also give me tons of opportunities to give new anime a try since the only anime left at my disposal is Assassination Classroom.

Just like the previous season, I watch whatever anime that I find interesting regardless of the genre. But there are also some anime that I don’t expect to watch, but I end up watching them because of other people’s recommendation.

I know I should be writing about my version of Spring 2016 Anime Must-Watch list earlier, but I hope that it’s still not too late for me to talk about it.

My Spring 2016 Anime Must-Watch List

Keep in mind that the list is written according to the alphabetical order. So, it has nothing to do with the order starting from my favorite anime.

Whatever it is, let’s dive in to see what I’m currently watching this spring.

Ace Attorney

Ace Attorney Anime

I don’t know about you, but I know about Ace Attorney from a video game website. It’s just that I’ve never played the game since it’s available on Nintendo DS and I don’t have DS. Since it’s a video game adaptation and I know the game, it’s obvious that I’m including Ace Attorney in my Spring 2016 Anime Must-Watch List.

As far as the adaptation is concerned, it’s not as dubious like the other video game adaptation I’ve watched in the past. In my opinion, I think the anime looks good so far.

My only pet peeve about this anime is they’re using the localized name instead of the original name. For me, it’s rather annoying to see a different name in the subtitle while the audio is using an original name. I prefer if they stick to the original name, but that will mean that they’re going to alienate people who have played the game in English.

I prefer if they stick to the original name, but doing that will also mean that they’re going to alienate people who have played the game in English.

Okay, I know that they’re doing this because most people are more likely to be familiar with the characters’ name in English rather than the original Japanese name. After all, a majority of the people who are watching the anime are most likely people who have played the game in English.

That must be the reason why you see the name Phoenix Wright in the subtitle instead of Ryuichi Naruhodo. They’re doing this in the favor of those who have played the game in English.

Even though the characters’ names are my only problem, I still find that the anime is fun to watch. Maybe because it gives me a breather of seeing a lawyer who solved the murder case instead of having the typical inspector or a detective to solve the murder case.

Boku no Hero Academia

Boku no Hero Academia

Initially, I was skeptical to watch this anime because I don’t fancy watching another superhero anime. I have no idea why, but maybe because it has something to do with me not enjoying One Punch Man.

If you have been keeping an eye on ANN Twitter, you do notice that there are many tweets talking about Boku no Hero Academia, just like Ace Attorney. So, it’s not surprising here that I’m watching the anime because of the hype.

Despite not liking One Punch Man, I still give this anime a try. If this anime sucks, then just stop watching it. But I’m so glad that I give this anime a chance. While this anime isn’t my favorite, I still prefer Boku no Hero Academia over One Punch Man.

Unlike One Punch Man which is more like a superhero gag anime, Boku no Hero Academia is a true hero’s journey where we can see Izuku’s transformation from zero to hero. How is he able to do that

How is he able to do that despite not being born with a superhero power? Watch this anime and find out about it yourself.

If you’re into the plot, then Boku no Hero Academia is a lot better than One Punch Man. It’s not that One Punch Man doesn’t have any plot at all, it’s just that the plot is more like a random occurrence instead of something like going on from point A to B.

If you’re like me who is not a fan of superhero anime but still enjoys a good plot, this anime is worth watching.

Bungou Stray Dogs

Bungou Stray Dogs

I’m a huge fan of supernatural anime, so it’s not surprising that Bungou Stray Dogs will make it into my Spring 2016 Anime Must-Watch. In fact, this anime gives me a bit of inspiration for my next series, which happens to be an occult, supernatural thriller. I haven’t decided the title yet, but I’ll let you know when I have one.

Going back to Bungou Stray Dogs, this anime happens to be my absolute favorite for this season because this anime reminds me a lot about Kekkai Sensen. For now, I can only hope that they don’t plan to end this anime in a crappy way, just like what they did to Kekkai Sensen.

Since the names of the characters are based on the literary figures, I admit that I have a problem with remembering their names. But I guess it will eventually stick to my memory after a couple of times watching this anime.

If you love Kekkai Sensen, I highly recommend you to watch this anime. Oh, this anime also happens to be my favorite anime in this season so far.

Joker Game

Joker Game

Ever since I began writing my first series, Trigger Locked, I began to have a keen interest in anything to do with spies. And this is what attracted me to Joker Game in the first place.

Sure, Joker Game is about spies during the World War II era, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t draw any inspiration from the historical anime.

I’m not sure how the story flows in the novel considering that the anime seems to focus on different thing in each episode. But as far as the storyline is concerned, I don’t see much what those guys from D Agency is capable of doing other than the first two episodes when they try to identify the foreign spy.

I admit that military-theme anime tend to be dull and boring, but it doesn’t seem to be case in Joker Game.

Sure, I’m not going to deny that it has a heavy plot, but if you enjoy that kind of anime like I do, then you’re most likely to enjoy Joker Game.

Since Joker Game helps me with the writing process in Trigger Locked, there’s no doubt that this anime is certainly my must-watch anime.

Kagewani S2

Kagewani S2

I’m watching this anime because I’ve watched the first season of this anime. If you’re into a mystical creature, then you probably enjoy watching Kagewani.

But you need to watch the first season in order to understand the storyline in season 2.

This anime is rather short, anyway. So, it won’t be so hard for you to catch up with season 2.



The reason why I’m watching this anime is because it was produced by Studio Trigger, the same studio who produced Kill la Kill.

I don’t watch Kill la Kill, so I’m just curious how the anime will turn out. But so far, the anime itself is rather promising. If you’re into sci-fi anime, then you should give this anime a try.

If you’re expecting that this anime will be the same like Kill la Kill, then I’m sorry to say that it’s not even close at all.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

In a nusthell, this anime reminds me a lot of Attack on Titan, with people hiding themselves in a fortress called station just to protect themselves from Kabane. I don’t know why they’re calling it Kabane because they’re no different than your typical zombie.

I don’t watch Attack on Titan, but the whole dire situation is more or less the same like the one you’ve seen in Attack on Titan.

Of course, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a different kind of anime. But if you’re looking for another Attack of Titan which is worth your time, then this anime is perfect for you.

Kyoukai no Rinne Second Season

Kyoukai no Rinne S2

For the obvious reason, I’m watching this anime because I’ve watched the first season. If you have never watched Kyoukai no Rinne before, this anime is as wacky and messy as Ranma 1/2.

Why is that? It’s because Kyoukai no Rinne is by the same Ranma 1/2 mangaka, Takahashi Rumiko. And that also explains why the characters in Kyoukai no Rinne isn’t that different from Ranma 1/2.



The premise of this anime somehow reminds me a lot of the typical horror movie where a bunch of people is going to an unknown place, only to find out that something bad awaits them at that place.

There are nothing much happening in the first two (or maybe three) episodes, which makes me almost giving up watching the anime. I guess it’s a normal for anime like this to have a slow pace.

Some people are comparing this anime to Another, but I think the premise in Another is much better than this one. Well, at least we know about the curse in Another. But for this anime, we won’t know about the mystery of this place until in the later episode.

If you’re a fan of Another, you will probably enjoy watching this anime. But don’t expect the plot in Mayoiga to move as fast as Another. You need patience if you plan to watch.

Since this is the original anime, I’m just hoping that this anime won’t disappoint me.

Sakamoto desu ga?

Sakamoto desu ga

To be honest, I’ve never seen anyone who can move and behave this flawless in every situation. Well, the only person who can do this is Sakamoto. And no one else can do this far better than him.

I have to say that it takes creativity to come up with Sakamoto’s reaction because for the most part, his action is rather inhumane. But that’s expected for a comedy anime.

So yes, this anime does defy many logics here, which makes it interesting enough to watch.

I feel skeptical to watch this anime at first, but I’m glad that I did it. I’ve never thought that Sakamoto desu ga? happens to be a fun anime to watch.

If you’re into slapstick comedy anime, then this anime is definitely for you.

Shounen Maid

Shounen Maid

The first thing that comes to my mind when I come across this anime is loli-shota. And it doesn’t help me at all even after reading the synopsis for this anime.

I know that seems like a bad impression. But for some reason, I still think that I should give this anime a try. To be honest, I’m worried that I’m going to experience an utter disappointment when I watch this anime.

Thankfully, this anime is NOT loli-shota and his uncle doesn’t have any weird fetish. He’s only behaving like what a normal uncle will do.

Seeing Chihiro looking so happy doing housework, I wish my nephews are just like him. At least I don’t have to yell at them when they’re making a mess in my house.

Ushio to Tora S2

Ushio to Tora S2

Another anime that I watch because I’ve watched the first season of this anime. I don’t have anything much to say other than telling you to watch the first season first if you plan to watch the second season of this anime.

My overall thought about Spring 2016 Anime

Unlike the last season, I pretty much enjoy what’s in store for us this spring. With a great lineup of anime for this spring, I’m pretty sure that we will have more of the great anime coming this summer.

Not sure what anime will be available during summer, but I bet it’s going to be much better than spring.

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