It’s hard to believe that the year 2022 is already here. Time sure does fly by so fast. What happened to all this time?
I remember back then that people used to say that time will fly by faster as you get older.
It sure does feel true to me since time does fly by so fast the older I become. And before you know it, it’s another day in another year.
Another adage, if you can call that, is time flies by so quickly when you’re busy with something.
Well, I will say that I like the latter a lot more because it makes more sense to me.
After all, time will fly by regardless of your age. You don’t need to be in your 60s or 70s to experience this.
Now that the year 2022 is already here, it’s time for me to share with you what I’m planning to do for 2022.
But before that, let’s recap the things that I intended to do in 2021 and whether I managed to achieve them or not.
My plan for the year 2021 – did I make it happen?
Unlike the years before, I will say that I didn’t have a lot of things planned for 2021. Maybe it has something to do with me not achieving anything that I planned for 2020.
Rather than going crazy with all the stuff that I want to do for 2021, I decided to focus on doing two things only.
And that is to get the third book from the Trigger Locked series published. Another one is to distribute my books to more retailers and libraries.
Do these two things and I’m good.
So, did I manage to make these things happen in 2021?
Well, I’m happy to say that I managed to publish the third book from the Trigger Locked series.
The third book from the Trigger Locked series, The Virtual Mass Murder, was finally on sale at all retailers in October 2021.
As for my other plan, it’s sad for me to say that I didn’t manage to make it happen, not even close.
Despite not being able to achieve everything that I planned, it’s still way better than 2020 where I failed to achieve any of the things that I planned to do for that year.
My plan for the year 2022
Call me crazy when you see that I have so many things that I want to do in 2022.
What’s more, most of the things that I want to do will certainly take a long time to complete. And there’s no doubt that it will cost me money along the way too.
Will I be able to achieve all the things that I want to do in 2022?
To be honest, I don’t know. But I do know that it’s possible to achieve everything that you plan with the right planning.
I know, what a play word, right?
With that said, these are the things that I’m planning to do for the year 2022. And yes, they’re massive and time-consuming.
Publish the fourth book from the Trigger Locked series
This should be obvious, right?
Now that the third book from the Trigger Locked series is already on sale, it makes sense for me to start writing another book.
To be honest, I have yet to decide when I’ll start writing the fourth book.
Heck, I don’t even have any idea on what I should call the book. I do have a tentative title. But for some reason, I feel that it’s not catchy enough for me to consider the name for the next installment in the series.
The good news is I already have a rough idea of what the story for the fourth book should be.
It’s still a raw idea if you ask me. But all I can say for now is that it’s going to be just as horrifying as the third book from the series.
This is another thing that can take me quite some time to achieve. But I do hope that I can get this book published within the same year.
Publish the digital bundle edition of the Trigger Locked series
I have always wanted to do this for the longest time ever since I decided to write the Trigger Locked series. But I can only do this once The Virtual Mass Murder has been released.
Sure, I can always choose to combine the first two books and sell them as a bundle.
But that seems odd to me considering most of the bundle editions have three books or more.
Now that the Trigger Locked series has three books, I think that it’s time for me to release the bundle edition of the series.
As always, you can get the bundle edition at all major retailers. But you can get the bundle edition cheaper when you buy them directly from me through my Payhip store.
Just use the coupon code SEKINAMAYUBLOG during checkout to get 25% off on your order.
Of course, you can also use the coupon code to buy other books in the store, not just the digital bundle edition.
I have yet to decide when the bundle edition of the series will come out. I’ll let you know when the bundle comes out on this blog and also on my Twitter account.
Distribute the books to more retailers
Yes, I know. This is one of the things that I failed to achieve last year.
But rather than shoving the plan away, I decided to start distributing my books to more retailers this year.
The first retailer that I’m going to focus on will be Google Play Books. I also have a plan to distribute my books to retailers in the African region as well.
I can’t be sure when my books will be available for sale on these retailers since they have their own set of timing when my books will be live on their website.
As always, I’ll let you know once my books are already live on their website.
Apart from distributing my ebooks to more retailers, I’m planning to increase my print book distribution to more retailers and bookstores as well.
This is another thing that has been on the back burner for the longest time. I hope that I can make it happen this year.
And that leads to my other master plan for this year.
Publish the hardback and the large print edition for all books
Well, it doesn’t hurt to increase more of the print products when I already have print books up for sale, right?
This is another thing that seems to be on the back burner for the last couple of years. Just like my plan for increasing the distribution of my books, I’m also hoping that I can make this plan happen this year.
While it won’t take me that long to publish the hardback edition, it may take a while for me to publish the large print edition, though.
Unlike the formatting for paperback and hardback editions, the formatting for the large print edition is different in terms of font size and also trim size.
Sure, it’s not that hard to change the trim size of the book. But I’m not sure how big the font size should be to consider it as a large print edition.
So, it may take a while for me to publish the large print edition for all of my books since I need to research how to format the book for a large print.
The last thing I want is that I got the formatting for the large print edition wrong.
That seems like a lot of things to do
Judging from this list alone, it sure does that I have a lot of things on my plate. And that doesn’t include other things that I want to do this year.
Am I not feel overwhelmed by all the things that I want to do?
Well, I must be lying to myself if I say that these things don’t make me feel overwhelmed, not a little bit.
It is overwhelming if I try to tackle everything all at once. But if I do it bit by bit, I’m sure that I can achieve everything that I plan to do no matter how gigantic the task is.
With that said, I wish you may the year 2022 be the best year for all of us.
P.S Since I did mention my Payhip store briefly in this post, you may enjoy reading the books that I write if you love reading original light novels, particularly in the thriller and suspense genre.
And yes, you can download the sample chapter of whichever books you prefer on my Payhip store if you’d like. Here’s the link to my Payhip store:
Browse for books by Sekina Mayu
Interested in buying any of the books? Don’t forget to use the coupon code SEKINAMAYUBLOG during checkout to receive 25% off on your order.
Just to let you know that all books in my Payhip store are in digital format. You’ll get all formats including the PDF version, in case you’re wondering.