What are my year 2024 goals now that we’re only days away from entering the New Year? Or perhaps it already is by the time you read this post.
Like any other year that comes before it, I’m always hopeful that 2024 will be an amazing year.
And like any other year that comes before it, I also have many things planned for this year.
While I’d like to use Senku’s catchphrase, ‘Get excited’, it will be wonderful if you’re as excited as me when it comes to all the things that I have in store for you this year.
But before we dive into my year 2024 goals, let’s have a look at my year 2023 goals in a nutshell.
My year 2023 in review
Well then, how did my goals for 2023 fare?
Did I manage to achieve them all?
Or at the very least, achieve some of them?
Sadly, I didn’t get to achieve any of the goals I set for 2023.
I never thought it would take such a long time for me to do all the things I need to do to republish books in the Trigger Locked series.
And that was only three books in the series including the prequel. I still have yet to work on the third book of the series which I plan to do in early to mid-2024.
Believe me, it wouldn’t take me this long to finish republishing all books in the series if the only thing I had to do was to check for any grammatical errors that I missed.
But nope, I ended up doing more than that, with me having to rewrite some of the scenes to make the story flow better.
Despite the delay, I was happy with how it all turned out.
What my year 2024 goals be like
Not going to lie that my year 2024 goals won’t be that much different from what I planned to do in 2023.
But rather than aiming to republish a brand new edition for all of my books, I’m planning to focus more on getting the brand new edition of the Trigger Locked series out of the door first.
Don’t worry, my standalone books, The Diary of Modern Cinderella and Twisted Destiny will still be receiving a major makeover as well.
But I can only work on them once I’m done with republishing the Trigger Locked series, though.
With that said, here are the things that I plan to do in 2024.
Have my books available in more retailers, particularly on Google Play
Just to be clear you can get any of my books on my Payhip store. But I know some of you prefer to get my books at your favorite retailer which is fine with me.
If you’re someone who prefers to buy books on Google Play, then you’ll be pleased to find out that my books will be available on Google Play soon.
Of course, the only books that you’ll see on Google Play for now will be the books from the Trigger Locked series.
But you can expect that the rest of my books will follow suit soon.
I don’t have a tentative date when the books will be available on Google Play. But you can expect to see them somewhere in mid-2024.
As always, I’ll let you know once the books are available on Google Play and other retailers that sell books.
Publish the digital bundle edition of the Trigger Locked series
This is something that I always wanted to do for the longest time. But I can only do it once I have at least three books in the Trigger Locked series which I finally did.
Just to let you know that the digital bundle edition of the series will be released alongside the individual book.
But unlike the individual books, the digital bundle will only be available in selected retailers, with Kobo being one of them.
Of course, you can get the digital bundle edition of the series on my Payhip store as well.
But other than that, the only place you can get the digital bundle edition will be on Kobo.
Publish the hardback and large print edition for the Trigger Locked series
Yes, this is another thing that I always want to do for such a long time but didn’t get to do it since I didn’t know how.
While publishing the books in hardback isn’t that much different from publishing the paperback edition, it can be a little tricky to publish the large print edition.
Yes, there will be a learning curve involved since I never published any of my books in hardback and large print editions before.
However, I still hope to have my books published in many different print formats this year.
As you can expect, I don’t have a tentative date when the hardback and large print edition for the Trigger Locked series will come out.
But you can expect that the hardback and the large print edition will follow suit after the release of the paperback edition.
Publish the fourth book of the Trigger Locked series, The Modern Pied Piper
Yes, I get that the Trigger Locked series is already due for another new book.
But with so many things I plan to do this year, it’s hard to know whether the release of the fourth book will be on the horizon or not.
Sad to say, I can’t promise that the fourth book of the series will ever be released this year.
If anything, the least I can do is to get the first draft done first before the year ends.
Perhaps it’s time for me to consider taking part in NaNoWriMo, provided that it aligns with my schedule during that month.
Migrate my existing online store to a different platform
Speaking of my online store, it will be hard for me to be remiss when I’m planning to make major changes to my online store.
So, what prompts me to make such drastic changes, you ask?
Well, my reason for the changes has more to do with my wanting to make the buying experience more seamless.
Of course, the migration won’t be in the book yet since there are a few things that I need to get sorted out first before the migration.
If for whatever reason I can’t get the migration to work in my favor, then I may have to scrap the plan altogether and stick with using the Payhip store for the time being.
As always, I don’t have a timeline for when I’m planning to make it happen.
But you can expect me to work on this plan once the brand-new edition of the Trigger Locked series is already coming out.
Won’t there be a personal goal in my year 2024 goals?
Of course, I do have one which is to learn Japanese.
Sad to say, I don’t have a proper way to learn Japanese, save using Yowamushi Pedal: Spare Bike and SPY x FAMILY manga in Japanese as my reading practice.
Other than that, I don’t do anything much on that front.
Perhaps it’s time for me to incorporate JapanesePod101.com into my Japanese learning process, I suppose?
In case you’re wondering, I already have that in mind.
It’s just that I have yet to come out with a working plan that works for my schedule.
Will I have a dedicated post that outlines how I fit my Japanese lessons into my already-packed schedule without driving myself to the corner?
Well, maybe I will.
But you can expect to see a dedicated page on this website where I list down all the Japanese learning resources that I use to learn Japanese and how they all work for me in my already-packed schedule.
So stay tuned for that.
The year 2024 will be amazing
Not going to deny that it sure is an optimistic outlook when I don’t even know what 2024 has in store for us.
But I don’t see anything wrong with having an optimistic outlook either if it can help us start the year on the right foot.
Will the year 2024 turn out to be an amazing year for us is something that I’m not sure of.
But one thing I know for sure is I’m looking forward to it like everybody else.
P.S. Wondering about my fuss with the Trigger Locked series when you hear me mention this series so many times in this blog post alone?
Well, you can have a look at the first book of the series right here on my Payhip store.
Just to be clear the one that you get is still the old version, not the new one.
But don’t worry, you’ll get the new version of the book for free when you buy the book on my Payhip store.
That’s the perk of buying any of my books on my Payhip store instead of buying them from retailers.
Does the series sound intriguing to you?
Well then, get the book on my Payhip store. Use the coupon code SEKINAMAYUBLOG to get 25% off on your purchase.